
Author Archives: John

Validation Brings The World To Life

Have you considered how much affect you can have on the happiness of others by how you treat them?

Have you ever wondered how much affect your apprecition towards another affects them?

Have you thought about actually making an intention to validate others?

Watch this short movie . . . it has a very powerful message!

. . . Imagine the effect you can have on others!

Make it an intention to validate people and assist them with feeling happy!

May 8, 2010


We have a dream inside ourselves,     dragonfly dreams
A gift to us at birth,
To guide us and protect us,
On our journey on this earth.

We all have something special,
Each one of us unique,
You have to find the courage,
So find the peace you seek.

So dream your dream and live your dream,
Don’t be afraid to try,
Just take your soul by the hand,
And let your spirit fly.

Maureen Weiner
Australian Poet

Looking In The Mirror, Who Do You See?

Recently I posted on Facebook,

Have you looked into your eyes today . . . to see how amazing you are?  

After reading a comment on that statement I realized it would be good to tell you more about it and where I got the idea. It’s something that canlooking at yourself in the mirror enhance your self realization and personal growth.

I have a little note next to the mirror in by bathroom with some questions on it. It is there so that I will notice it every time I am at the mirror, where I can look at myself. But not for the usual looking at my hair and such, but for looking at myself, in the eye!

I got this from something I read, not sure where at the moment, but I started doing it o a regular basis and found it to be quite powerful. When you actually look yourself in the eye, you are making a connection that is deeper that your conscious level of awareness.

Here is the note:

Direct Eye Contact

Who are you?

Do I love you?

Kitten Lion Mirror

See more of yourself

Do you love life?

What do you stand for?

Are you the best possible person you can be?

If you could have anything in the world what would it be?

The idea is to ask yourself these questions each morning. Doing this, you will find that you will come to know a deeper part of yourself than you usually are aware of. Asking yourself these questions elicits answers you may not have considered honestly before.

Getting to know yourself at a deeper level, means you are cutting through the normal ego mind thinking that takes up much of your conscious awareness.

So, do this yourself, you will see what I mean, it’s a personal experience. You may need to do it for a little while before you really open up to yourself, your ego mind is good at protecting anything that could rock the boat!

Like with anything you do to get in touch with your deeper self, relax about it, don’t get judgmental about your progress or lack of it. If you fight it or get stressed about it, you are operating from your ego mind, and just blocking it. Just tell yourself, “I’ll ask again tomorrow”

Doing this and discovering more about some of your deeper thoughts and feelings cam be a step to further getting to really know yourself better. This of course leads to being able to think, feel and act in ways that are in alignment with who you really are.

This can also be a great way to start your day, you are aligning with what is important and feeling good about it!

As with any personal growth, it’s most effective if you do it daily, not once in a while.

Keep Learning, Growing And Expanding Your Possibilities

Paws ElephantsMany times we get stuck thinking there is a limit on what it possible for us. This is mainly because of the perspective we currently hold. It is quite common top hear people knocking down the possibility of an idea because they can’t see how it can be done, or how ‘they’ could do it.

What we must recognize is that our perspective, how we see things, is only an opinion. and just a current one at that. You have many examples in your life where your perspective of something has changed over time, as you have done more things and met more people. So, having thoughts come up related to why you can’t do something is based on your current perspective, nothing more.

Change your perspective about what can be done, and even about what you personally can do and you increase what is possible for you. The only reason you don’t see something is possible for you is that you don’t believe you can do it. Here’s the thing, if someone else has done it, or something similar, it’s possible for a human to do it, and this means you!

I recall the story of Roger Bannister, who was the first man to break the records running a mile in under four minutes flat. Up until that point, it was commonly believed that this was not humanly possible. A man just could not do it, and nobody did. But after Roger did it, several others followed suit very soon after, clocking times under four minutes.

The other runners had shifted their belief and perspective on what was possible, so they allowed themselves to do it as well. Since we are talking about athletes, what is it that an athlete does to achieve the highest levels in their sport? They don’t have the knowledge and skill to perform at record breaking levels when they start out, they work up to it.

I don’t think Bannister had his sights on the four minute mark when he started, he probably believed much like all the others, it was not possible. Roger Bannister But at some point, he had to get to where he at least was thinking, “What if?” As he practiced and developed himself, he would see another opportunity to improve that he had not previously seen. Then another and another, and so on. Each time an athlete progresses, an new mark becomes a little bit more possible. This is what drives a person, seeing that something is possible.

Succeeding is not so much about what you know or can do when getting started with something, it’s more about how and what you learn as you go. If Bannister cold run at all when he began, he could learn to run better, faster. He just had to have enough of a vision to believe he could possibly get somewhat good at it, and get started.

The important part becomes what you do after you get started. It’s important to be open to learn, open to new ideas, to new perceptions. Here are Ten tools you can use to keep yourself continuously improving day to day.

1) What can I do better?
Ask yourself the question, “What can I do to improve/encourage/enhance/feel better about ______ ?”
Each day in the morning, give 10 minutes to thinking about something you could improve on today.
Do this multiple times a day. Notice what you are involved with, ask about improving it.                                       Helpingeachother

2) What if?
Ask yourself the what if question as often as possible.
This will allow your creativity to help you to see what’s possible.
It helps keep you focusing forward rather than allowing yourself to get stuck in problem and why not.

3) Watch other successful people.
What are they doing? What are they moving towards?
Use this as evidence of what is possible.
How are they doing it may reveal something you can use, or an idea that leads to something.

4) Be around positive motivated forward thinking people.
It’s very easy to hear reasons why not, you can do that yourself.
Don’t allow yourself to be flooded with the naysayers negative energy.
This is very important in assisting you with keeping your possibility thinking open and your energy up.

5) Discuss your ideas with like minded supportive people.                                                                                                                          Conversation
Pose to them your questions, your problems. And discuss your curiosities and desires.
The power of masterminding is almost indescribable!

6) Expose yourself to new ideas and situations.
This creates a normal mode of open mindedness which will serve all of what you are doing.
Even getting exposed to things unrelated to your main focus can reveal new ideas you would not have thought of otherwise.
Go do something you have never done before, on a regular basis.

7) Learn and understand more of what you are capable of.
Many stifle themselves as they judge what they think are their talents and shortcomings.
Study what other people have proven can be done.
Study about your role as a creative human being and what this entails related to what you are capable of. 
Realize that capacity and talent are mainly a state of mind, a perception.

8) Accept a challenge.
Be willing to take on something you may feel is a stretch with time or ability.
Know that a healthy challenge is an opportunity to grow and prove to yourself what more you can do.
Choose the perspective of, “How can I?” rather than dwelling on why you can’t.
Excitement and curiosity open your creativity, worry, doubt and fear close it off!

9) Listen more than you speak.
Most of what you speak is reiterating what you now know.
Listening to others allows you to pick up on other peoples perceptions and vantage points.
Ask more than you tell, don’t waste your time trying to prove yourself to others, or feeling good from hearing yourself talk.

Notepad10) Keep a notebook handy to capture ideas.
You know how ideas come in an instant and can go just as fast when you are involved, you won’t remember everything!
This allows you to easily capture an idea from anywhere, anytime.
Answers to your questions come many times when your mind is on other matters.
Review your notes at the end of each day, sort them and file them away appropriately for easy access.

Remember, what you focus on most will have the greatest effect on your tomorrow. Learn to be a possibility thinker by focusing more of your thoughts and feelings on what can be done. I agree with many others in saying that because you get an idea, it means it is possible. It is just a matter of getting yourself to totally align with the results.

Attracting What You Want In Life Is An Acting Job

ActingmasksDoes the actor playing the perfect role in a play, want to play that part? – No, he IS playing the part! How does this relate to attracting what you want into your life? When you become the lead player, the rest of the production fills in around you.

How did he get the position of playing the role? He prepared and practiced before the play began it’s run, so that he would be able to play the exact part required in the specific story. The play would not be successful if he could not play the part properly, if he was not the exact character the writer and director intended.

This is the same thing we should do in our lives when we want to be attracting a new and different life experience. Think about something you want, then think about yourself right now  – are you playing the role of the person who is doing or having what you want? Likely you are not or you would be enjoying the experience now. Right now you are like an actor who wants to play a particular role.

In order to actually experience what you want you must first get yourself into the character of one who is in that role enjoying what you want. Just as in a play, once the play starts you just don’t magically become the perfect character. You can’t wait until then to become character, the director would never let you go on!

It’s the very same in life, if you  are waiting for the thing you want to happen for you to to be the right person for the role . . . you will be waiting aAlpacino long time! Now, with many things, you may already be in the role, it may be just a matter of you taking a specific action to realize the results. But with things that you are wanting that are beyond your current reality, you will need to learn a new role.

Think about the acting field, let’s say you were chosen to play a specific role in a play or movie. And then, you sat around not preparing yourself for the part, maybe you even complained that it was taking so long for everybody else to get ready. Do you think the director would let you go out and perform live or in front of the camera? Of course not, you are not prepared to play the specific charter at all and would not be able to fit in to the overall story line.

What you want in life is the story line! The question is, will you fit in to the required role to be included? You must first become the person qualified to play the new role, you can’t expect to be changed into the perfect character after it starts. And like a play or movie, it won’t start without the lead actor!

Acting1This is how you attract what you want, you become the perfect fit for what you want, then it can show up in your life. The whole production is waiting on you! If you continue to stay in a static want phase of your desire, you will continue to attract what that role aligns with – always wanting! Always wanting is a role many play, like the old wagon horse with a carrot dangled out in front of it to get it to move. The horse walks forward but the carrot is always just there ahead.

When you move yourself into the specific role of the person in your desire, then you move from ‘I want’ to ‘I AM’. Just like a good actor IS the character he is playing. What you experience in life is not about what happens to you, it’s about who you are. You are now going to be a match for attracting what you want.

Think about how actors and actresses prepare for playing a role, they imagine how a character be in all ways, they learn to feel as the person would, they relate mannerisms and the way they speak and carry themselves. The good actors actually get to where they can feel as the character would in order to pull off a believable performance and fit properly into the role as it fits the play or movie. You are an actor every day of your life but you are not usually choosing the roles you play, but you can!

You can do the same for yourself. Think and imagine being in the situation you want. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Put yourself inActor1 the role in your mind, enjoy it. This will help move you from thinking about not having it and wanting it, to feeling happening and aligning yourself with it. As you think and feel yourself in the part, you are aligning yourself energetically with it which acts to attract the rest of the show!

The Don’t Quit Poem

Have you ever wondered, how long is it going to take? I’m sure you have, I know I have – more than once!

It’s been said, that many give up just before the win, the realization, the success, because they don’t hold on quite long enough.

The point is, giving up at all is your decision to stop the process. It is you saying, “that’s it, I’m done.” Not the Universe, God, Source or whatever you term the Infinite Intelligence that is ready to provide for you, but you!

So how long will you persist to be, do or have your deepest desires? I say, for as long as it takes!

Have a look at this video and see if you agree with me. . .

Ultimately the people who win, who achieve victory in Life are the people who are committed to it. They outlast everybody else. Because quite frankly all success in business, all success in relationships, all success in life comes at the end of the road of commitment! — Chris Widener

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. —Ella Fitzgerald

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

Your comments, thoughts and experiences are welcomed. How do you relate to this poem and never giving up?


Inspire Yourself Often With Inspirational Videos

Bear DogHave you seen any good inspirational videos lately? I have, in fact I see them all the time. People are recommending to me very good inspirational videos, mainly on YouTube, but elsewhere as well. I know, many think YouTube is loaded with a bunch of junk, well there is some of that.  However, there are many really great videos that can be very inspirational and instructional.

I think we all can use inspiration on a daily basis to help keep our thoughts and feelings in the best place to support the life we want. There are plenty of things going on all around us that can easily keep us stuck in the mire of negative emotions. In order to be, do and have what you want in life it’s important to be focused on what you desire rather than worry, doubt, fear, lack and so forth.

Personal growth is a daily actuivity, if you want to get any positive results from it. Doing specific activities every day that contribute to your  increased self-realization, better command of your thinking, appropriate focus, attitude and motivation is key. Exposing yourself to something inspirational and motivational multiple times a day can be very helpful. Videos are great for this as they are multi-dimentional affecting you through both sound and vision.

This is the start of a new catagory here, Inspiratioanl Videos, where I will post some videos that are both inspirational and motivational. It isRichard Branson11 important to remember that any outside input does not cause anything, it’s your emotional connection through your own perception that is causing how you feel. Having sensory input that triggers the thoughts and feelings that are supportive of how we want to feel can be a powerful way to get there.

With all that goes on in daily life, it can be tough to get yourself into the mindset you would like to be in, these videos can help bring your thinking to that place. Enjoy, and come back as often as you want to get a jolt of inspiration!

I welcome your additions here, post your comments and feelings about the videos and you can include links to videos you recommend. The videos will not show up in the comment section, but I will check them out and add them to the main post of additional posts.

Please keep your recomendations to videos that all people can relate to, and I will not post anything that is detrimantal to anyone or group of people. I would like to have these in the spirit of our common oneness and love for all.

I may catagorize them as they come in to make it easier to find what we are looking for quickly, well see . . .

I would like to start out with this video with actor Will Smith . . .

Come by and watch this often,

Leave a comment, and an inspirational video suggestion,

Have a great day!!


What Am I Actually Asking For And Getting

Many will say that you must ask God to be given what you want, in a “will you please” way. But this is relinquishing your natural ability and right to know for yourself, to think for yourself and to choose what you want. What we receive from the Intelligent Universe is not based on the whim of a human like mind, it is a clear cause and effect system. We are here, as individualizations of God, to notice what’s possible and ask for it. And, yes we can expect it to come into our life experience, but we must prepare for it first.

dontaskmeWe don’t actually make anything happen, God, the Universal Intelligence does that, but we do request it and allow it. We ask for it and we allow it to connect with us, through our thoughts, feelings and vibration. For anything that we ask for to show up in our life experience, we must first align with it – we must be the person who does, has or is that which we want. The thing we want will not change us, or make us into what we need to be, we must do that first.

Once you have asked for something through your thoughts, feelings or vibration, or usually all together, the Intelligent Universe gets it all set up for you. If you are still waiting, what you have asked for is already there, you are just not yet aligned with it yet.

What very often happens is that we think strongly that we are thinking and feeling in the right ways for something to occur in our life, but we are actually not. Much of our life is commanded by our unconscious thoughts, where automatic functions are in place to simplify your conscious thought requirements. It is here that you may have strong thought patterns that are not in support of what you say you want. And guess which thinking usually wins out?

You can have something blocked because you are obsessed with having it. I know this sounds odd on the surface, but I’ll explain, what can be a more powerful want than obsession? It’s what is linked to it that is the biggest problem. And the most common restrictive factor is, a condition attached to the desire. A commonly attached condition is one related to happiness. Like, “I will be happy when I have . . . “

So here’s how this work in our mind:

* You notice what you want, picture it and you see happiness as part of having it.
* This picture in your mind, is what is conveyed to Spirit as what you want.
* The Intelligent Universe (God) goes about to set it all up for you.
* And your role now is to align yourself with the desired outcome and to take any actions you are guided through Spirit to take.
* For you to experience what you want, you must be a vibrational match for it. You must be the person who is in and at one with what you want. Your vibration is based on your thoughts and feelings.
* Then, like two perfectly matched magnetic puzzle pieces, you are drawn to what has been created for you.

Now, going back to the happiness condition we placed on our desire. That happiness condition says, “I will be happy when . . . ”

Notice this about your happiness – it’s not before, but when!confused
In order for you to be a perfect vibrational match for what you want, you must be that happy person first – before the match can take place.

So. . . this attachment to your desire that says “I must have this in order to be happy” is keeping you away from it. You are stuck in a cycle: you have declared that you won’t be happy until it happens, and the Universe will not connect you to the experience until you are happy. The two can never come together under this scenario.

Consider this, when you are saying that you will be happy when what you want shows up, you are saying that right now you are not happy. This is a command to the Universe, like all thoughts are. You are saying, and commanding, “I am not happy now.” This is what you will get, because this is what you are resonating with vibrationally right now.  Unhappiness begets unhappiness.

So even if consciously you are saying clearly what you want, but you are not a vibrational match for it, it will not come. But at the same time, unknown to you, you are actually saying and resonating the vibrational match for more unhappiness. You get the thing you are resonating with. This could be considered a form of self sabotage as you are preventing yourself from getting something you say you want.

I’m sure you have heard before, “Be happy now”, well, now you know why. Because if what you want has happiness as part of it as most things we want do, you will need to be happy before the Universe delivers it to you. What you want is already there, waiting for you to be a match! Time is a relative thing we use in our reality, but to the Universe – there is only now.  So what you are now, is what you will be when anything new happens. Think about it, anytime anythign actually happens, it’s now!

Also, many times when we are saying that we want something really badly, we are actually spending a lot of our time focusing on what we don’t want. What you don’t want may be the logical reason why you do want something, which is fine, but remember – what you focus on and resonate with will be what you get.

dejectedNoticing what you don’t want serves the purpose of helping you to identify what you do want, but don’t remain dwelling on it, or feeding it emotionally. Move on to focusing and feeling what you DO want so that you resonate with it. Our emotions have a very strong affect on our vibrational energy, which is why you’ve probably heard it’s best to get emotionally behind what you want.  

Eckhart Tolle said in his book, A New Earth “You cannot manifest what you want; you can only manifest what you already have.”

This means that you must have a very clear picture of it, with appropriate emotional feelings and be a vibrational match for it. This is the state of being with it already in your mind, and feeling it, which includes being the person that fits into the picture.

The Law of Attraction is valid and it lines up with what Jesus and others taught us about how to operate our life, it just needs to be better understood for us to get what we really want.

This is one example of what can be going on unconsciously and there are other factors which can affect your easily getting what you want as well, I will discuss those in later posts here.

Your growth is a work in progess, if you undertake it.


Miracle or Normal?

We commonly look at certain things in life and label them as a miracle, why? If something has not yet happened or does not commonly happen, why must it be categorized as something beyond human?

Does this not limit our perception of what is possible for people, for us? Could this be a form of self-sabotage?

When you come to realize that everything in our reality is actually a perception, our own perception, you will see how important it is to pay attention to what you are allowing into your awareness and how. What we think is normal is what we are accustomed to seeing most, nothing more. Just because you are not seeing certain things every day does not make them miracles.

I guess we should clarify the term miracle before going on. The common definitions from are:

1. an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

2. such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.                                                                                        onions

3. a wonder; marvel.

We know that events occur all the time that get called a miracle, but the reason is because they are just not common on our current view of the world. Everyday, there are scientists discovering new things, athletes breaking perceived performance barriers, people getting well from major illnesses, inventors coming up with new ideas, and so on.

These things are actually a normal part of life, maybe not the most commonplace but normally occurring on a regular basis. Just look at all of what is called progress with mankind, has it not been a steady succession of previously considered unknown or undo-able things? But wait, they have been happening on a consistent manner for as long as we have recorded history, and I’m sure before.

So who does these so called miraculous things? How can they do them and why do they do them? They are people, yes basically normal people with one slight difference, they are not deterred by what has not or what usually does not happen in the world. They seem to have a drive within them that at least says, “What if?”, and they think and act as if it could be possible.

I think most of us get ideas about things that we may have not seen or done before, but don’t we usually dispel them for just that reason . . they are not normal! Or, I have never done that so I don’t have the ability. Or, that’s never been done before! But yet, there are thousands of people doing new and uncommon things all the time – and they are human!

Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the way you look at things changes.”

At first this may sound silly, of course that’s the case, but what does this actually mean? You can literally change your perception which changes how you see things, thus affects how you think abut them and what actions you will or won’t take. The way you look a things, your perception is the pivot point in your life.  It can either support you or sabotage you.

The people who do the seemingly miraculous have a slightly different perception of what is possible than most people. It’s not so much in their abilities as it is in their feeling that it is possible. One of the well used analogies for this is the example of Roger Bannister, who was the first runner to break the 4 minute time for running a mile on a track. And soon after he did this, several other runners did the same thing.

tigerWhy? Up to that point, the common belief was that it was not humanly possible – period! This was the belief that all runners help, their perception. Once one man did it, their perceptions changes, they now saw and believed in the possibility that they too could do the same. In sports where the differences between athletes results are very slight, the fastest or best are not considered to have been chosen and provided special help from God. Other athletes know there is just some small difference in training or technique that allows for one to outperform the others.

But in other areas of life we tend to see many of the uncommon things as somehow performed by the hand of God. This is one place where I think a lot of people get stuck in perceiving their ability to do or experience something more uncommon, it’s in their belief about what they are capable of. It’s a commonly held belief that we are separate from what we define as God, and that God is who is doing all the miraculous things.

It’s generally thought that we humans have certain abilities, which we have defined by what we commonly see and anything beyond that must be from God. The thing is, if a few people or even just one person can do something, it is evidence of a human capability. We are here to help the universe express what’s possible. This is why we have free will and the ability to think as we do. In this physical realm, we are the ones that notice what could be done through our experiences.

No other thing on this planet can change at will what the intelligent universe does for them. An onion seed will always be an onion, a tiger will always be a tiger. Yes, a human will always be a human, but he can be a human standing atop a 50 story building built with materials and methods an onion or tiger cannot fathom. We humans are the conduit here on earth for the ever expanding self expression of God.

We have far more capabilities than we know, we are just beginning to imagine our potential. Anything that we conceive of doing is supported byskyscraper universal intelligence, God. What we ask for is provided, just as the tiger gets what it needs and the onion seed can grow into the plant it desires to be. It is our limitation placed on our abilities that keeps us from what is called miraculous. What is new and different to us today is just the next step in the self expression of the universe, and we can allow it to flow through us if we choose.

And it’s not just about our abilities, but our right, our role in this reality we live in. We are of God, just as a leaf is of the tree – both providing something to the whole and receiving from the whole. Of course you and I do not make it all happen, but we are a critical part in the process. We are the conduits through which the divine flows.

The crux of the matter regarding is it a miracle or normal is, our beliefs can and do affect our perceptions, which are the only filters through which we take in everything. And, once we take it in, we interpret it . . .again influenced by our beliefs.

When we see more as being possible for us in our lives and in others, we will expand our thinking as well as the actions we will take. Knowing that you are an integral part of the intelligent universe, an individual expression of God, you realize that the thoughts you get are for a reason. They are for you to act on, not dispel as undo-able. They are for you to learn to allow to unfold. Just as every leaf on a tree has a purpose, you too have this connection with source.

So why not choose to look at what is considered miraculous, as normal. Normal for you to follow the divine nudge you are given. To not have fear and doubt about it because you know where it comes from and how it is supported – it’s possible and doable! Your ideas are supported the same way as the dna of an onion seed is supported.

What if you followed your inspired thoughts? Would that not be a grand purpose!


Here are some affirmative statements and questions for you to consider:

Why do I so easily follow my inspiration?

How can I easily follow my inspiration?

How can I allow life to unfold through me?

Why am I so excited about following my passion?

Why am I able to know anything as possible?


February 4, 2010

How to Turn Limp Affirmations Into Mantras for Success!

To affirm something is simply to declare that it is true. So, creating and using affirmations should be a breeze, right?

Actually, the true art of the affirmation is both subtle and profound. Despite the popularity of this technique, some people use affirmations that kitten_lion_mirror are bland and perhaps even self-defeating.

When creating your affirmation, remember that even minor variations in wording can make a huge difference in the results you get. Since your words literally have the power to create your circumstances, invest a few minutes now to take your affirmation skills to a higher level.

Consider the following statement:

I will quit smoking with ease and joy, remembering the effects on my physical and mental health and preparing to live a longer life.

By using the guidelines found below, you can transform limp affirmations like that into mantras for manifesting a huge change in your life!

The following points are key:


1) Enter the “now”
Start your affirmation by entering the present tense. Take the condition you desire and declare it to be already true.

2) Be positive
Our sample affirmation keeps the focus on smoking—the condition that you do not want. Instead, shine a light on what you do want—to be smoke-free.

A related reminder: Our subconscious mind skips the word not. So, delete this word from your affirmations. “I am not afraid of public speaking” gives us the message that you are afraid. Use, “I feel at ease as I speak in public.” 

3) Be concise
Shorter is better. Affirmations with fewer words are often easier to recall, especially in situations when you feel some stress. Rhyming makes your affirmations even more memorable. For example, “I am feeling alive at 185.”

4) Include action
Whenever possible, affirm yourself as a person who takes action. For example: “I am gratefully driving my new Porsche along an open highway.” Action engages the Law of Attraction, creating new results in our lives and opening us to further inspiration.

5.) Include a feeling word  
Powerful affirmations include content and emotion. Content describes the specific outcome that you desire. Emotion gets to the heart of how you feel about that outcome. For a more potent affirmation, add both elements.

Consider this affirmation:

“I am supporting my children to fully come forward into the world.”

The content of this statement is clear. Yet it lacks an emotional charge. Breathe life into this affirmation by adding an active expression of feeling:

“I am lovingly supporting my children and encourage them to fully express their unique talents and gifts.”

You will know that you have a powerful affirmation when you feel a surge of emotional energy. The force of feeling jumpstarts you into action.


Now get some direct experience with “affirmation transformation.” Return to the first example mentioned in this article:

“I will quit smoking with ease and joy, remembering the effects on my physical and mental health and preparing to live a longer life.”

Playing with the guidelines listed serves up some more exciting options, such as:

“I am breathing effortlessly with lungs that are pure and clean.”

“I am celebrating how easily I breathe through strong, healthy lungs.”

Also consider the following affirmations on a variety of topics:

“I am joyfully celebrating my graduation from college with a master’s degree.”

“I am effectively delivering my first talk to an audience of over 1,000 people who affirm my message with a standing ovation.”

“I am confidently checking the balance of my bank account as I make a deposit of $1,000,000.”

“I am walking up on stage to receive my first Emmy award and receiving a roar of applause.”

When you’re satisfied with the wording of your affirmation, start using it right away.

Repeat your affirmations at least three times daily—first thing in the morning, midday, and just before you go to sleep. Regular repetition will gently return your focus to manifesting the life of your dreams.

© 2010 Jack Canfield

 Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: