Category Archives for "Self Confidence"

Developing a strong level of self confidence helps your daily happiness and growth.

Getting Yourself Motivated, Aligned and Energized In The Morning

How often have you found that you either, can’t seem to get going in the morning or that the stuff of daily life just seems to suck you in real fast? So, right from the early hours of the day you are already dragging and are mentally off base.

This of course is not a preferable state of mind to be in, you are not really in command of your thinking, in touch with yourself or very focused on what you would like. This kind of mindset will have you easily repeating an unintended cycle day in and day out. The only way to progress in life is to become present with your awareness and be in command of your thinking.

So, how can you change this habit of falling into this same cycle every day? One way is by centering yourself in the morning. There are various ways this can be done, one is by positive self statements. This could be called affirmations, but that would not fully describe this method of centering and energizing yourself. The point is to boost your self-confidence and set the right attitude so you can be more focused and powerful as you go about your day.

In the morning after you first get up and you have done any other self centering exercises such as meditation or visualization, stand in front of a mirror – look yourself in the eye.

Ask yourself, “Who an I?”

Then make some powerful affirmative statements about yourself.

I am powerful!
I am talented!
I am loving!
I am efficient, I get things done!
I am the best at . . . !

These statements can be anything positive you want to say about yourself.
More will come to you as you begin to do this.

Say these statements to yourself verbally with energy and conviction!

Get loud if you want, this will enhance the energy build up.

The idea is to get yourself to believe these things about yourself, and to feel the energy of them.

You will find yourself not only waking up to the day easier, but more energized and positive about yourself going into the day.

Here is a wonderful example I came across to show you how it can be done.

Notice the energy!
. . . you don’t need to get up on the vanity!
