- in Inspiration , Inspirational Videos by John
Inspire Yourself Often With Inspirational Videos
Have you seen any good inspirational videos lately? I have, in fact I see them all the time. People are recommending to me very good inspirational videos, mainly on YouTube, but elsewhere as well. I know, many think YouTube is loaded with a bunch of junk, well there is some of that. However, there are many really great videos that can be very inspirational and instructional.
I think we all can use inspiration on a daily basis to help keep our thoughts and feelings in the best place to support the life we want. There are plenty of things going on all around us that can easily keep us stuck in the mire of negative emotions. In order to be, do and have what you want in life it’s important to be focused on what you desire rather than worry, doubt, fear, lack and so forth.
Personal growth is a daily actuivity, if you want to get any positive results from it. Doing specific activities every day that contribute to your increased self-realization, better command of your thinking, appropriate focus, attitude and motivation is key. Exposing yourself to something inspirational and motivational multiple times a day can be very helpful. Videos are great for this as they are multi-dimentional affecting you through both sound and vision.
This is the start of a new catagory here, Inspiratioanl Videos, where I will post some videos that are both inspirational and motivational. It is important to remember that any outside input does not cause anything, it’s your emotional connection through your own perception that is causing how you feel. Having sensory input that triggers the thoughts and feelings that are supportive of how we want to feel can be a powerful way to get there.
With all that goes on in daily life, it can be tough to get yourself into the mindset you would like to be in, these videos can help bring your thinking to that place. Enjoy, and come back as often as you want to get a jolt of inspiration!
I welcome your additions here, post your comments and feelings about the videos and you can include links to videos you recommend. The videos will not show up in the comment section, but I will check them out and add them to the main post of additional posts.
Please keep your recomendations to videos that all people can relate to, and I will not post anything that is detrimantal to anyone or group of people. I would like to have these in the spirit of our common oneness and love for all.
I may catagorize them as they come in to make it easier to find what we are looking for quickly, well see . . .
I would like to start out with this video with actor Will Smith . . .
Come by and watch this often,
Leave a comment, and an inspirational video suggestion,
Have a great day!!