- in Law of Attraction , Personal Growth by John
The Law of Attraction, Being Certain
Is being certain, the missing key to The Law of Attraction? 
The key that many miss with The Law of Attraction is the point of being certain. Leaving out certainty affects the whole concept of, ‘you get what you think about.’ Have you ever noticed how you feel, think and behave when you are just know something of yourself, when you are sure of yourself? This is being certain. There is a huge difference between being certain and wanting in the results you may get using the Law of Attraction
Just to make sure we are in alignment with the use of the word “certain”, because there are two general meanings which are quite different. Here is the definition for the word certain that I’m referring to here
The definition of “Certain” as I’m referring to here according to the Collins English Dictionary, Complete and Unabridged Edition, 2003 is;
- positive and confident about the truth of something; convinced
- definitely known
- sure; bound; destined
- decided or settled upon; fixed
- unfailing; reliable
Wallace Wattles discussed being certain in this way in his book, “The Science of Getting Rich” highlighting this definition of the word. This book relates well to The Law of Attraction. It’s an old book but considered by many to be one of the best in regards to how your thinking relates to getting what you want. If you haven’t read it, here is access to a digital version of it, “The Science of Getting Rich”
Can you recall something that you just did without thinking about how or if you could? Perhaps deciding to ride your bicycle to the park or store, didn’t you just get on and go? Of course this is a very basic example, but I’m sure you can relate to many situation in your life where you just did something. You decided and did it, without worry, doubts or fears about your ability, the exact how or if it’s even possible, you were being certain.
Some do get good results with the law of attraction
There have been a lot of studies done on highly successful people that have brought to light their mindset and habits. But I think this one aspect is not usually brought out well enough for us to see clearly. This is of course a very crucial aspect in our ability to be, do or have anything, our ability and choice of being certain about our desires.
I have noticed myself that the people who seem to generally get what they want are very certain about it, they just know. They just know that all it takes is for them to decide, “I’m going to do this, or get this.” There is little to no quibbling in their mind as to if, whether, how, is it possible, when, their capabilities or skills, or obtaining the resources. When it’s just a given that it is so, that they can and will, they are being certain.
Whereas, individuals who seem to get much less of what they want struggle with the how’s, whens and what ifs, and all the reasons why not. They are not being certain, they are stuck in want and hope, which keeps the desire at arms length.
Being certain is the key
The person who is certain may see some possible hindrances, but see them as just temporary things that will get resolved along the way somehow, someway. Their level of certainty completely overrides any questions, doubts and worries. The law of attraction functions through the thoughts of our certainty, not just want. Being certain is being there now, in your mind, not having to get there. You have the part and are totally ready and able to perform it.
We will continue with this discussion about being certain in the next post “The Law if Attraction, Being Certain Is Key”