Reminder Of Thanks

Today I want to just remind you about recognizing and giving thanks for something that is important to you.

Here in the US, we will be celebrating our countries independence.

This is a big holiday here, which I presume most are in support of.

This holiday, as are most, is in celebration of something important to a group of people.

Taking time to pay attention to and recognize something that you are thankful for is a worthy activity.

Like the Independence Day celebration here in the US, many things are looked at once a year as a reminder of the meaning and why it is important to us.

This can of course be done on any schedule you choose.

Once a year is good for some things, but more frequently may be desirable.

There are things you can recognize daily or even more often.

Anything that is important to you,

Anything that has deep meaning to you,

Anything that you want to be a part of your daily life,

A way of thinking,

A person,

An activity,

A behavior,

A mindset,

A perspective,

Anything that you feel thankful and grateful for,

Can and should be noticed and celebrated often.

Often enough to keep it a part of your daily operating system,

Or as some call,

“Your map of reality”

The way to have the things that are truly important to you be an integral part of the way you think and behave is to be appreciative and thankful for them.

Since it is so easy for our moment to moment thoughts and activities to cloud out things that are important to us, it can be very powerful when you purposefully keep yourself aware and reminded on a regular basis.

Even with something like national independence, wouldn’t it be of value to be aware of all that it may mean to you more often than once a year?


“The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore

it tends to become the best. It takes the form or character of

the best, and will receive the best.” — Wallace Wattles

“Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings.” — Marianne Williamson

“The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted. As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, that vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.”

– Michael Beckwith


I have studied many aspects of personal growth, spirituality, religion, psychology, and philosophy for over 40 years. My writing and training reveals ideas and methods which assist with affecting the desired change and growth people want to live more happy and fulfilling lives. Much focus is on what can be done daily and the how it can be implemented for actual results as opposed to just collecting information.

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